
This blog is dedicated to all the people that had their privacy violated through various kinds of media. There are not many things that we can do about it, because our privacy is being violated more and more every single day. This is also because the world of technology brings us new technologies, which make it easier to violate someone else’s privacy. In this blog you are going to find how our privacy is being violated through different media, some videos of people that might be very angry in the future, because they were exposed to the world in a way they did not imagine and some new technology gadgets that decrease our privacy when being used. Also there are going to be some ideas that might be implemented in order to gain more privacy in media, for those who are not willing to be exposed, and are willing to fight the technology and the world of media.


YouTube - the Greatest Violator of One's Privacy

World Wide Web was created in 1989 in CERN (the nuclear research facility under Switzerland), firstly in order to share data on multiple computers. Through out the time World Wide Web developed, so did the Internet (those two aren't synonyms) and today in a second people can upload multiple private data on it. And because the basic concept is that those data are shared, either willingly and unwillingly. Todays technology makes it easier for hackers to enter your computer through out the internet without your knowledge. And because Internet is a always growing trend and of course there is a never-ending development of technology, it can be found almost everywhere. On the Internet, there are special sites that were created for the reason of sharing information. For example take YouTube, the site that has the most click per week, because people can share videos of themselves, but what actually is outrageous they can share videos of other people (check out some videos in the video section) And there we go, privacy is violated. Videos that we lough at, because something embarrassing happened to a person, actually make that person either fames for five minutes or absolutely uncomfortable in public. Is it right to publish these videos without the peoples acknowledgment? It isn't, but it is always going to happen, because people rather laugh than care about other, it is easier and more fun. But we can see that people are not that simple, because actually people behind YouTube created new privacy settings, where people can mark whether they want their video to be shared with everyone on YouTube or just YouTube friends. Ehm, what difference does it make? None. At least that there is a restriction for sexual content on YouTube, otherwise this world would anticipate a global social change.

3 komentáře:

  1. Nice one, Mr. Peter Gecner.
    Even though i was aware of this problem, i never realy paid much attention to it. It is good that you raise some awareness, because it is a real issue that many people do not think about. Even though it is not a severe danger, it is good to realize that it exists.

  2. Thanks Gecbuddy :) but I think it is severe danger, watch this and you will know why :

  3. I totaly agree, this is alarming and people just dont realize that... I think it should not be premitted to post videos of other people, but is there a way how to prevent it? Your post actually reminded me of posting pictures on facebook. You too dont have any control over pictures your friends post or where they tag you. Seems like this privacy issue is becoming a global problem...
